Your HelloGiggles horoscope, August 4th to August 10th: Love and passion are in the air


Your HelloGiggles horoscope, August 4th to August 10th: Love and passion are in the air

Your HelloGiggles horoscope, August 4th to August 10th: Love and passion are in the air

We just kicked off Leo season with a very romantic and bold new moon. And this week, we’re still feeling the love with a bright conjunction Sun-Venus. It’s definitely engagement season, and despite a few unforeseen setbacks and disruptions, you should be experiencing an energy of love and generous offerings. All week long, the energy will be abundant, joyful, generous, and very much focused on fast-forward growth.

Let’s take a look at the weekly horoscope for each sun sign. Don’t forget to check your rising sign if you know it, too.


Be careful with excessively impulsive decisions, Aries. Try to keep a fair balance between risks and rewards because you could get really over your head this week. Passion, love, and fun are all on the program, so enjoy this boastful and joyful week.


You could find yourself more stubborn than usual (yes, more!), and there is an overall restlessness to your energy. As much as you want security and stability in your life, you also want to feel a fire inside you. You want passion and excitement, and you might just be seeking it this week.


After a couple weeks spent in your head, you’re now spending more time in your heart. This week is all about connecting to your emotions and putting your head to rest in order to feel what’s going on within you. Love could knock on your door, but you need to connect to your heart in order for it to show up.


This week is abundant for you, Cancer. You can feel a growing sense of grounding. You’re more aware of yourself, more in tune with your body, and more optimistic and confident about your options on the material plane. Now is a good time to connect to your senses and common sense.


You’re very much into yourself this week—as you should be. It’s all about feeling confident, beautiful, charismatic, and loved. It’s your birthday month, after all, and it shows. You’re feeling assertive and more willing to go after what you want. Go, tiger!


You’re very much in your bubble, Virgo, away from the noise, retreating and hibernating. Although you do have some social activity going on this week—and perhaps especially some online activities—your focus is still very much on the spiritual plane. Healing is indicated at this time, and any activity that is focused on retrieving balance, health, emotional healing, and inner peace.


At this time, your focus is on online activities, communities, and friends. You’re asked to develop a feeling of belonging, a.k.a. the opposite of fitting in. Your focus is on asserting your individuality among social peers and friends, and gaining a sense of well-being by seeing yourself accepted as you are. This energy can also very much be about work and being awarded for your efforts and personality.


It’s all about work and life goals this week, Scorpio. Your energy is extremely serious at this time; you’re aware of your responsibilities and the hard work you need to put in across the various areas of your life. It’s a time of dedicated hard work in order to achieve the success you’re seeking. Roll up your sleeves because it’s time to put in the hours.


Love, love, love. It’s almost the only thing on your mind. You’re also quite concerned with financial matters this week—such as how you can obtain more funds for a given project. It’s a good time to ask for a loan or investments, or to achieve your goals through partnering with others financially.


You could feel like it’s difficult to reconcile what other people want and what you want, and it might require a bit of creative energy to find a balance between asserting your will and keeping others around you happy. Do remember that relationships fill your cup and bring you a sense of happiness and fulfillment, so they are worth the momentary discomforts that will occur this week.


It’s a very productive week for you when it comes to work, and your dedication to discipline is paying off. Everyone else has their heads in the clouds, but you’re very much focused and grounded. It’s a good week to receive rewards professionally.


This week is about trying to retrieve your organization and discipline after being thrown off balance. But as much as you’re focused on work, there is also a very spiritual note to this week for you, Pisces. You’re pondering what your goals are and where you find happiness, fulfillment, and growth. You can have your head in the clouds and still consider your professional goals. Spend time with pets, in baths, and perhaps summer cleaning.

For more astrology from me, check out my website.

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