Your HelloGiggles horoscope, September 15th to 21st: It’s time for an emotional reset


Your HelloGiggles horoscope, September 15th to 21st: It’s time for an emotional reset

Your HelloGiggles horoscope, September 15th to 21st: It’s time for an emotional reset

This week is going to be rather sweet with Venus and Mercury in the sign of Libra. They’re the first two planets to leave the sign of Virgo, symbolizing the shift from powerful Virgo season to a more gentle Libra season. Meanwhile, Sun and Mars are finishing up their journey in Virgo as well. We’ll become particularly serious toward the end of the week with a great focus on making slow, practical, and pragmatic decisions.

Let’s take a look at the weekly horoscope for each sun sign. Don’t forget to check your rising sign if you know it, too.


This week marks the end of your struggles, Aries. It has been a hardworking, draining couple of weeks for you, and you’re finally seeing the end of it. You put a lot of effort into restoring your health or dedicating your energy to work. And you’re finally starting to be able to enjoy a regular social life, more love energy, and more balance.


Self-care, Taurus. When isn’t it about self-care for you? This week you could struggle with feeling unappreciated or feeling like there’s a lack of harmony and abundance in your life. Before you fall in a distorted perspective, do check if this is reality or just your perception. If there is indeed an imbalance, a lack of enjoyment, or a lack of abundance in your life, now is the time to make the appropriate efforts to find more happiness.


You could be particularly focused on love affairs and relationships. But you have to be aware of this: You can’t pour from an empty cup and you can’t receive love from people who don’t know what love feels like, who don’t know what love is, or who don’t have love for themselves. You might need to reset yourself emotionally and replenish your cup this week.


It’s a very, very emotional week for you, Cancer. Things could feel a little bit out of control. You could be having a case of emotional overload, feeling like there’s too much coming at you for you can handle. It’s important to be emotionally aware. What do you feel? Where is it coming from? Is it fair to dish it out on others? The key words this week are “emotional control.”


This week is one of recovery—from a difficult ending, a hard time, or a feeling of betrayal. You’re at a good time to regenerate yourself after some sort of ending or closure, and this regeneration is of the intellectual sort. You’re asked to shift perspective, learn how to close a particular mental loop, or see or communicate things differently from now on.


You’re at a time of intellectual regeneration, but it’s happening on an internal level. You’re redefining how you see yourself and how you present yourself, your values, your worth, and your financial goals. It’s a time of new beginnings for you, but you’re not quite ready to have this new beginning manifested in the world; it’s more so a time of internal realignment.


Be careful what you wish for, Libra, because all of your wishes are coming true. It’s a time of celebration, abundance, growth, and indulgence. You worked really hard in the shadows, and now it’s time to have your dreams become reality. Tell the universe what you want, and it’s given.


You have been focused on money lately, Scorpio. But do be careful—there is such a thing as spiritual poverty. If you have been lacking moral compass or betraying some ideals of yours, now could be a time during which you’re redirected. You’ll find that your ideals are particularly important this week, and you’ll also find that it’s impossible to do everything on your own. Learn how to recognize help, and seize it.


You’ll find that if you approach things with underhanded or deceptive means, there really is no winner, as any gain you had will be taken away later on. It’s a week focused on morality and principles: Have you been living up to your own principles? And have you been tolerating things which are outside of your moral compass? Time for a morality check-up.


One or two things, Capricorn. Either you’re having an absolutely torrid and sexually passionate week; or, you’re freeing yourself from toxic and addictive patterns. Or, why not both? What’s for sure is that this week is not for the faint-hearted, and you could be on the verge of realizing a massive self-transformation. Good luck!


This week is focused on realigning yourself and realigning relationships that have gone out of balance. Any issues surrounding attachment and co-dependency will be highlighted this week. It’s a good time to learn how to have self-control and restrain yourself from indulging in what’s unhealthy for you.


Pisces, it’s time to hustle and go get these dollars. This week is about financial abundance and focusing on your monetary goals. A business partnership might show up for you this week.

For more astrology from me, check out my weekly forecasts.

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