Friday, February 7
Nikki Glaser: Bang It Out Tour. Nikki Glaser is quickly becoming one of the most sought after young comedians and actors in the comedy world. 20 Monroe. 6 pm. Click here for more information.
Coffee and a Tour with Artist Norwood Viviano and Curator Ron Platt. Join for coffee, conversation, and a guided tour of A New State of Matter: Contemporary Glass with featured artist Norwood Viviano and Curator Ron Platt. Grand Rapids Art Museum.10-11:30 am. Click here for more information.
Grown-up Playdate 2020. Adults take over the museum for a night of friends and fun including:carnival games, prize wheel, street food, playful cocktails, craft beer, wine pull, and music by PJ DA DJ Sound & Entertainment. Grand Rapids Children’s Museum. 7-11 pm. Click here for more information.
Saturday, February 8
Well-Read Black Girl Grand Rapids: Girls Night Out!! Come dressed in red (a dress OR how you most feel comfortable), mix, mingle, and enjoy food and wine over a conversation around what it means to be well-read. Then put on your dancing SOCKS and have fun with an instructor led cultural dance lesson! Armentality Movement Arts Center. 6-9 pm. Click here for more information.
Paint Your Heart Out. Just in time for Valentine’s Day and in a one night only workshop, paint an anatomical heart with your own creative twist! Lions & Rabbits. 4-6 pm. Click here for more information.