Reese Witherspoon, Mindy Kaling, and more celebrities are just as excited about the Friends reunion as you are


Reese Witherspoon, Mindy Kaling, and more celebrities are just as excited about the Friends reunion as you are

Reese Witherspoon, Mindy Kaling, and more celebrities are just as excited about the <em>Friends</em> reunion as you are

It’s happening. Ever since the finale nearly 16 years ago, fans have been desperately asking for a Friends reunion episode that would bring back Chandler, Monica, Rachel, Ross, Joey, and Phoebe to our screens. The time has finally arrived. The original Friends cast will reunite for an unscripted special on streaming service HBO Max in May 2020. And yes, basically everyone in the world is freaking out just as much as you are.

Jennifer Aniston, Courteney Cox, Lisa Kudrow, Matt LeBlanc, Matthew Perry and David Schwimmer will all return to the original Friends soundstage, Stage 24, on the Warner Brothers lot in Burbank, California to film the special.

All six of the Friends cast members announced the news on Instagram on February 21st by posting the same photo with the cryptic caption, “It’s happening…”

Predictably, chaos ensued. Millions of fans lost their minds over the news, commenting in disbelief, using emojis to compensate for their speechlessness, and asking lots of questions. Countless celebrities also flipped over the news, commenting on the cast’s photos to show their true fandom.

It turns out, even the biggest celebrities are die-hard Friends fans, just like us. We pulled some of our favorite reactions below.

friends reunion HBO Max celebrity reactions awkwafina
@jenniferaniston, Instagram
beanie feldsetin instagram reaction friends reunion
@jenniferaniston, Instagram
Julianne Hough friends reunion reaction
@jenniferaniston, Instagram
Laura dern friends reunion reactions Instagram
@jenniferaniston, Instagram
mindy paling friends reunion reaction
@jenniferaniston, Instagram
rita Wilson friends reunion instagram
@Jenniferaniston, Instagram
Sarah Hyland friends reunion reaction
@Jenniferaniston, Instagram
Tan France friends reunion reaction Instagram
@courteneycoxofficial, Instagram
Gwyneth Paltrow friends reunion reaction
@jenniferaniston, Instagram
friends reunion HBO Max celebrity reaction Ashley Benson
@Jenniferaniston, Instagram

Reese Witherspoon couldn’t contain her excitement to just one comment, so she commented on Jennifer, Courteney, and Lisa’s posts.

Reese Witherspoon friends reunion reaction
@courteneycoxofficial, Instagram
Reese Witherspoon friends reunion reaction
@jenniferaniston, Instagram
Reese Witherspoon friends reunion reaction Instagram comment
@lisakudrow, Instagram

We’re on the same level of excitement as Witherspoon, and we’re going to have a tough time containing it for three more months. We have so many questions about the Friends reunion special: Will Rachel and Ross still be together? What will Emma and the twins be like all grown up? Will Cole Sprouse be back? What will Chandler and Monica be like as parents? Will Central Perk look the same? Will Phoebe finally have her record deal? Will Joey still be single and sleeping with Hugsy his bedtime penguin pal?

Could we be any more anxious for this long-awaited reunion? The answer is no. We cannot wait to see our favorite TV gang back together. The Friends reunion special will premiere on HBO Max in May, along with all 10  seasons of the show available for streaming.

The post Reese Witherspoon, Mindy Kaling, and more celebrities are just as excited about the <em>Friends</em> reunion as you are appeared first on HelloGiggles.
