Your HelloGiggles weekly horoscope, March 29th to April 4th: Mercury has finally stepped out of its own shadow
This is an interesting week. Mercury is finally stepping out of its own shadow, which means that Mercury is finally finished retracing its journey in Pisces. When Mercury steps out of its own shadow, it’s a time of enhanced clarity.
But this isn’t going to be entirely true for us as Mercury will immediately come to a conjunction with Neptune, a planet famous for its capacity to confuse and blur us.
It’s well-advised to not indulge in particularly imaginative ideas until after April 5th. Because Mars has finally entered Aquarius, you will be more idealistic and impulsive than usual, allowing for forward movement and progress to occur.
Let’s take a look at your weekly horoscope. Also, make sure to take a look at your rising sign as well, if you know it.
This is a time during which your best course of action is to remain at home alone and be meditative and contemplative. Now would be a good time to watch videos from your childhood, look at photos, or ask your relatives to tell your tales of childhood.
After a spike in energy last week, you’re losing your enthusiasm and letting yourself feel uninspired. Don’t push yourself more than necessary, though, it’s ok to have downtime. It might just be what you need to create enough space to find creative inspiration again.
New beginnings and/or money offers are coming through for you this week, Gemini. You’re on solid ground, which means you can rely on this new opportunity. This is also a great time to start something new.
Not everything is what it seems, Cancer. It’s important for you to be careful of tricksters and offers that are too good to be true. You’re advised to be particularly strategic and cautious in your dealings with other people this week. Be on your guard and be ready to fight back.
There are so many options for you this week, and you could feel confused as to which path you want to choose—or which partners. However, while you might have several options available to you, some of them are definitely better than others. Don’t let people pull the wool over your eyes and instead, focus on what is actually offered to you. This is not a week to let your hopes guide you—you need to demand concrete offers.
You’re coming out of an emotional rut and are finally able to enjoy what’s going on around you. This week has a lot of social vibes involved, so be sure to build connections with other people. Practicing gratefulness is also a good idea for you, especially so if you’ve been struggling with low moods.
It looks like you’re canceling plans to stay home. While it’s been a few weeks where you’ve primarily been focused on feeling safe and grounded at home with your family, it looks like you’ve committed to keeping those commitments this week too. Continue to put yourself first, Libra.
Scorpio, you’re experiencing the exact same energy as last week. You may be struggling with obsessive thinking; projecting yourself in the future; or feeling particularly impatient, waiting for something to manifest itself. Be sure to remain grounded in the present and not let the energy pull you into the future. Your ship will arrive, Scorpio, let yourself live.
This week is about freeing yourself from limiting beliefs and perceptions that are not helpful to you. You could be having a lot of aha moments, realizing how you’ve been playing small and limiting yourself. This is a good time for you financially, too, so seize the moment.
Your energy is very strong this week. You’re grounded, stable, logical and motivated. You have a good capacity to express yourself clearly and efficiently, as well as a strong capacity to problem-solve efficiently. Now is a time to make executive decisions.
This could now be the time where celebrations have to be canceled, and you have to spend time alone. During this time, you could clear your closets, reorganize your house, get rid of the clutter and refocus on what’s essential.
It’s a new day, Pisces. There’s a lot of communication going on for you this week. There will be a ton of messages extended and perhaps, the good news you’ve been waiting for will finally arrive. This is a good time to learn something new and learn more about others. Curiosity is on the menu for you this week.
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