Fallasburg Arts Festival

FALLASBURG ARTS FESTIVAL Fine Art & Fine Craft FestivalSeptember 19 & 20, 2020
Now in its 52nd year, Fallasburg Arts Festival features 110 juried fine art and fine craft booths, food booths, and a children’s craft area. Timeless craft demonstrations take place inside a large pavilion while musicians perform on an outdoor stage. It is held in Fallasburg Park, one of Kent County’s most beautiful public parks, located north of Lowell, MI on the Flat River. Lowell is located 14 miles east of Grand Rapids and 1-hour from Lake Michigan and Lansing. Annual attendance estimates are 25,000.
Deadline to Apply: May 1 (Extended Deadline)
EVENT LOCATIONFallasburg Park, 1124 Fallasburg Park Drive, Lowell, MI 49331
EVENT DATES & TIMESSeptember 19 & 20, Saturday & Sunday, 10:00am-5:00pm 
TIMELINEApplication Deadline May 1 – extended deadlineArtist Notification E-mailed June 1Acceptance Deadline July 1Artist Set-up September 18 & 19Show Dates September 19 & 20
HOW TO APPLYAll artists must apply online for the Fallasburg Arts Festival through ZAPPlication.org. The steps for applying include registering for ZAPP, uploading 4 images samples and 1 booth shot to ZAPP, locating and completing a short application for the Fallasburg Arts Festival, and submitting a non-refundable application fee of $30 through the ZAPP website. https://www.zapplication.org/event-info.php?ID=8257
JURY PROCESSA committee made up of community arts professionals select artists based on submitted application and images using a blind jury process. The jury committee selects a diverse range of artists whose work is original, high-quality, and represents a variety of media and creative styles. Artist images should be representative of the work to be sold at the show. Prior acceptance to the Festival does not guarantee future acceptance. A non-refundable $30 jury fee is required for application processing. Application fees can be paid by check or credit card on-line.
Artists are provided free coffee, tea, and refreshments Saturday and Sunday morning.Promotional postcards upon request.Booth sitters upon request.Professional security overnight Friday and Saturday from 5pm to 7am.Booth signs with artist, category, location, and business name.A visitors’ guide with artist, category, location, and business name.LowellArts promotes the festival on regional, state, and national websites, and advertises in several local publications, by direct mail, on social media, outdoor signs, and posters.Artists retain all proceeds from sales.

LowellArts is committed to displaying only high-caliber, original artwork at the Fallasburg Arts Festival. All artwork on display must be consistent with the images submitted, and be of original concept, design, and execution of the exhibiting artist. Artists must be 18 years of age or older.
Non-eligible artwork includes: commercially mass produced items, buy/sell merchandise, items made by embellishing commercially-made items (clothing, stencils, patterns, molds).
Examples of non-acceptable artwork includes: candles, food items, Henna, printed books, jewelry that uses purchased beads not crafted by the artist (exception to this is bead-weaving), commercially purchased t-shirts that are dyed or screen printed.
Original art in the following categories will be juried including: Basketry, Ceramics, Digital Art, Fiber (Wearable & Non-wearable), Floral, Glass, Jewelry, Leather, Metal, Mixed Media 2-D, Mixed Media 3-D, Painting/Drawing, Photography, Printmaking, Sculpture, Soap and Skin Care, and Wood.
Additional Notes on Specific Art Media:
Traditional print media, photography, and digital art should be from a limited edition. Digital artwork and photographs must use artist’s own images.
Artists in the Painting/Drawing category may sell reproductions of their own artwork, such as giclee prints, this product type should represent 20% or less of the total items for sale and must be labeled with the word “reproduction.”
Upcycled clothing is allowed but it should be significantly altered and have no manufactured seams.
The use of scarf blanks is allowed but this product type should represent 20% or less of the total items for sale in an artist’s booth and the artist must have applied in the Wearable Fibers category.
Artists selling jewelry must apply in the jewelry category. Artists in non-jewelry categories may sell a small amount of jewelry items only if the amount of this product represents 10% or less than the total items for sale in an artist’s booth and the jewelry must be made with materials in the category in which they applied.

Only one artist (or artist collaboration) is allowed per booth. An artist collaboration is defined as two or more artists working together to create the same body of work – only the collaborative work submitted in the application may be displayed. A description of each of the collaborators involvement in the creation of the artwork should be noted in the artist statement.
Artists must be present in their booth for both days of the festival. Fallasburg Arts Festival is a “rain or shine” event. Exhibitors should be prepared for inclement weather. Each artist is responsible for collection and payment of 6% Michigan Sales Tax.
Artist images should be representative of the work to be sold at the show. We reserve the right to request removal of artwork from the show that is inconsistent with submitted art and implied quality of workmanship.
Artists may be juried on to a waitlist. Artists need to confirm that they would like to remain on the waitlist, and they will be contacted if a spot becomes available in their category. Artists will be notified of a space opening via email. Once contacted, the artist may accept or decline the invitation. Their spot will be reserved once the booth payment is received. The week prior to the festival, artists in any category may be contacted from the waitlist.
The rules and regulations are in place to ensure a quality event that is fair for all artists involved. Rules and regulations are strictly enforced, and artists that are not in compliance will be asked to leave the festival, without a refund.

Single Booth – 12’ x 12’ (physical space of set-up) $225Corner Booth – 12′ x 12′ (physical space of set-up with 2 sides open to public) $260Double Booth – 12’ x 24’ (physical space of set-up) $425
Limited number of double booths and corner booths available.
Electricity and running water are not available at artist sites.
Generators are not allowed.
Artists are required to supply their own tent with a white canopy that is well-secured in case of inclement weather.
Tents to be secured by weights. Tent stakes are NOT allowed. (This is new, as the park has recently installed an underground sprinkling system.)
Booth fees can be paid by check or credit card on-line. Payment is required to reserve your spot in the festival. 
Booth fee must be received by July 1. If the booth fee is not received by this date, the artist booth space will no longer be reserved.
Cancellations for a full refund will be allowed until July 1. After July 1, a partial refund of 1/2 of the booth fee will be granted. After August 1, no refund will be given for cancellations.


