Weight loss diets are very important for a person trying to lose weight. While physical activities like exercising, swimming etc. help in losing weight, the importance of a healthy diet cannot be ignored. Because if you’re not eating healthy, it can jeopardize your entire weight reduction program. If you’re consuming too much fat or calories while eating, you’re not going to achieve your goals no matter how much you exercise. It is for this reason that various weight loss diets have become so popular over the years.
The Atkins Diet: One of the most popular diets in the world The Atkins Diet tries to eliminate carbohydrates as much as possible from your diet. This is a very effective diet that allows consuming large quantities of protein and fat enriched foods while ensuring that it does not lead to gaining more weight. However, the Atkins Diet is not suitable for everybody and consulting a dietician is recommended to know if this kind of diet is suitable for your body.
The Grapefruit Diet: One of the best known diets for obese people, the advantages of this low-fat, low-calorie diet is enhanced by the inclusion of grape fruits in the diet. This diet is prescribed for persons having a body weight much higher than the average permissible limits.
The South Beach Diet: One of the most successful diets in the world, the South Beach Diet does not try to eliminate fat or carbohydrates from your diet. Instead, it tries to limit the amount of fat and carbohydrates that you’re going to take in your food. Working on the glycemic index the diet restricts your carbohydrate intake for the initial two week period and then re-introduces those carbohydrates with a low glycemic index. A person following the South Beach Diet should eat three healthy meals daily along with some healthy snacks.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6420242