Your HelloGiggles horoscope, July 14th to July 20th: Don’t be surprised if you’re more emotional and impulsive than usual

No time to spare this week. The sky is pretty busy and we have a lot of energy going on, including Mercury retrograde and an upcoming Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse on Tuesday, July 16th. Overall, the vibe is clumsy and frantic. So don’t be surprised if you feel a bit more emotional and nostalgic than usual. It’s normal.
As if we needed more entertainment, we have a few other things to mention this week, including a hypnotic dance between Venus and Pluto. Expect mesmerizing love affairs this week and a very romantic vibe over the weekend. The energy will become increasingly fiery and impulsive, so be sure to always check your motives before you jump into something to prevent damages.
Let’s get down to the weekly horoscope for each sun sign. Don’t forget to check your ascendant sign if you know it, too.
This week is challenging for you, Aries. The planets are giving you a bit of a hard time, which will push you to grow and tackle the obstacles in your way. These challenges could be of emotional nature, from your family, and/or in your career. You’ll be pushed to get in touch with your emotions more and let go of the anger a bit, which will leave you feeling more empowered and grounded.
You’re chilling this week. The vibe is aligned with what you like to do best: Rest and enjoy. We do have some possible movements this week pushing you to explore uncomfortable emotions, and it’s overall a time of reflection and inner search for you. What fills your cup? Where do you find nourishment?
This week is very fruitful intellectually. You’re spending a lot of time communicating and thinking, reflecting, and assessing. This intellectual work is helping you understand what you value, how you want to go about increasing your finances, and how you can better care for yourself. The energy is grounding and anchored in the material—which along with the eclipse, announces a time of betterment of your income.
This week the energy is in your favor, and you’re feeling empowered and increasingly strong. Love is a possibility for you if you’re looking. And if you’re not, you’re learning how to value yourself more and better the balance of give and take in your dealings with others. Money is also looking good for you this week; you’ll experience an increased desire to better your finances. But be careful not to spend money faster than you make it.
With Mars in your sign, you currently have a surge of energy and a great desire to pursue your goals…including romantic ones. But, do note that the focus this week is supposed to be inward. You’re asked to spend some time alone, away from the noise and external interferences, so you can explore yourself a bit more. If you can take this week as an internal retreat, you’ll find yourself energized and realigned next week.
This week is all about growth, and growth you shall find. You’re encouraged to socialize, network, go online, and do whatever you can to expand your resources and roots to benefit from professional contacts or friendships. Despite the Cancer energy, you might not feel overly emotional this week, but moreso intuitive and intellect-based. Rely on that strong intuition to plan your next moves.
It’s all about business for you this week. You’re very focused on your professional growth and on your life ambitions—things like, “Where do I see myself in 5 years?” Your energy is utterly grounded and you’re encouraged to use social media and online activities to further your growth. Healing might occur in your relationships; you’re seeking more independence and balance.
Your energy is utterly intuitive and growth-oriented this week. You’re encouraged to either travel or prepare yourself for a specific project. Your energy is all about “assimilating” this week. If you’ve been meaning to learn a specific skill or master something, now is your time to do so. The vibe is “trainee,” and in the following weeks, you will reach mastery at whatever you’re seeking to accomplish.
It’s going to be a tad uncomfortable for you, Sagittarius. You’re called to explore deep-seated emotions buried in the back of your subconscious, and this is not your favorite vibe or activity. You’re asked to drop the joyful, well-spirited mask this week and look into all of these feelings that you usually prefer to ignore. But what you ignore still exists. And this week, you could feel a vibe of crisis if you don’t tend to these uncomfortable emotions.
This week, all of your attention goes to partnerships—something quite unfamiliar to you, as you’re usually keeping busy to avoid dealing with them. Now is the time to assess your relationships, whether or not they’re satisfying, and what you can do to improve them. Relationships can be romantic for sure, but don’t discard business. You’re learning how to better give and take, mediate, and collaborate. These are valuable skills for both romantic and professional relationships.
B-a-l-a-n-c-e! This week is allll about (re)gaining alignment and organizing your days in a way that makes you feel efficient AND fulfilled. If you have been indulging too much in play, if you’ve been extreme and undisciplined, or if you’ve been overly disciplined but with your cup empty, now is the time to find a better way to live. Health could be on the forefront this week. But if you’re healthy and balanced overall, you’ll find yourself wanting to better and improve yourself and your life.
Ahhhh, love. You’re all about love this week. But ask yourself, Pisces: Are you actually in a place to extend love? Or are you seeking validation and attention because you feel your cup is empty? This week, focus on filling your own cup, loving yourself, and dedicating time to joyful activities and things you’re passionate about. The more you extend this love to yourself, the more fulfilling your romantic choices will be.
For more Astrology from me, check out my website.
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