August is going to be a VERY steamy month, and it’s all thanks to Venus

The planet Venus enters the sign of Leo on July 27th, and things are about to get very sexy and seductive. When Venus is in the sign of Leo—and especially during Leo season—it brings great romanticism and passion. Leo is all about showing love in grandiose ways, which is very often with over the top gifts. 100 roses for your birthday? Leo. A brand new car with a giant bow? Also Leo. A dress delivered in a beautiful box for a night out? Yet another classic Leo move.
Leo energy is very much your typical Hollywood kind of romance, and it can definitely sweep you off your feet. It’s about praising, admiring, seducing, and charming in bold and magnificent ways—and this is the type of romance you could expect this summer.
When Venus is in Leo, we’re collectively much more into ourselves.
We want more attention, give ourselves more attention, and give more attention to our partners. It’s also a great time to have a crush. If you find yourself fantasizing about a cute person at the gym more than usual, that’s classic Leo turning up the heat a notch.
Romance is going to be ever-present during the month of August, and beautiful gestures will be seen all throughout the collective. We have especially strong days for love from August 8th to August 18th. From August 7th to August 12th in particular, you’ll find the matters of love particularly enhanced, as we’ll collectively be much more loving and generous with others.
However, during these five days, we have a special configuration going on in the sky, which might cause a bit of a hold up.
If you find that things are mysteriously up in the air or you experience some curious blockages in your life, be patient. Everything is working out in divine time, and anything that is currently blocked in your life will “mysteriously” unblock the following week. Things you don’t seem to be able to access are being withheld for a reason at this time, especially if it’s related to romance.
Finally, if you are the kind of person who holds back on financial matters, you’ll be much more likely to spend money on yourself and on those you love. Do keep an eye on financial matters and don’t commit to expenses you’ll regret later.
For more astrology from me, check out my website.
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