Your HelloGiggles horoscope, July 28th to August 3rd: Mercury is turning direct, but it’s not smooth sailing yet

This week is going to be very interesting. Although Mercury turns direct after a month of being retrograde—which would supposedly help us move a little smoother—we have a rare astrological configuration called a “Yod,” or a “finger of god.” I won’t get too technical on you, but here’s what it means for us: This week, you might feel particularly energetic, angry, excessive, wanting to get things done, and wanting to move ahead with whatever is currently on your plate. However, things might pan out differently than how you’d like. You might find yourself mysteriously blocked by the universe, feeling slowed down, or seeing things take an unexpected turn.
Don’t worry: It’s normal, and all in divine timing. Show a bit of patience (though we’ll all be short on that this week) and know that things will turn out the way they’re supposed to come next week.
Let’s take a look at the weekly horoscope for each sun sign. Don’t forget to check your rising sign if you know it, too.
This week a romantic affair could be mysteriously suspended in time, or a creative project might be postponed. Be patient (you won’t be, I know) and also be careful with sudden and unpredictable decisions when it comes to your housing and family. Your fuse is short this week, so be sure that you’re making decisions you will still stand by later.
Have you been looking for a home, to make changes in your home, or to redecorate? This week, the energy is asking you to slow down and accept any delays that occur in this area. Next week will allow you to move forward with your goals when it comes to your family and housing. You might also have changed your mind about these matters or see things from a brand-new perspective once Mercury is direct on July 31st.
Finally, you’re breathing this week, Gemini. Mercury turning direct on Wednesday allows you to see things clearly again. You might make impulsive decisions to go on a trip, learn something new, or sign a contract. You’re safe, however, do note that delays and frustrations are possible in regards to contracts until next week.
What a summer, eh, Cancer? Well, Mercury turning direct on Wednesday helps you see things more clearly, and your crisis in identity/relationships finds a bit of soothing energy. You’re eager to communicate your newfound perception and ideas, and you’re encouraged to do so this week. Express yourself, speak your truth, and communicate your newfound values.
Love, love, love. Who’s the lucky one? This week, you might feel a burst of loving energy, and you could be very passionate in your dealings with other people. It’s a time of enhanced luck for you when it comes to love, and some of you could receive some serious offerings. You’re coming out of your shell after a time of hibernation and you’re well rested—and it shows.
This is a very spiritual week for you, Virgo. The overall energy is asking you to take time off, retreat, relax, rest, isolate yourself, meditate, and self-soothe. Now is a very good time to go on retreats, solo weekends, and spend some time in your bubble, nurturing yourself and connecting with yourself. The more time you spend alone this week, the better. Don’t hesitate to go on a social media detox or get out to the countryside on your own.
The energy is looking marvellous for you this week, Libra. You’re getting a confidence boost, you feel much more aware of your relationship patterns, and you’re retrieving a sense of balance in your relationships. Mercury direct allows you to have a better understanding of your life goals and where you’re heading. This week, your energy is on work and being out and about. Enjoy it!
The spiritual/intellectual work you have been undertaking these past weeks is finally flourishing and allowing you to see material results in your professional life. However, do note that this week, things might still be a bit up in the air when it comes to your career; you might need to wait until next week to see the results you’re hoping for. If you’re traveling or studying, be careful of knee-jerk reactions and show a bit of patience.
This is your week, Sagittarius. The energy is so uplifting and generous you might even end up aiming too far. The energy is allowing you to self-transform, regenerate, and accumulate more wealth—not a bad program. Do be careful not to boast or have an ego trip, which are both possibilities this week. Remind yourself to be humble and moderate in your approach, and your week will be smooth sailing.
Are you ready to get hitched yet? All jokes aside, this week is about commitment in love and in business, and your mind might be on commitment much more than usual. For those of you who are ready, this week might be the week to do it. But overall, your mind is on love, you’re much more collaborative than usual, and your walls are down.
You’re in for a romantic week, especially at the end of the week. You could be making some impulsive decisions when it comes to your love affairs, or unforeseen circumstances could disrupt your plans. Remember, things will unclog naturally next week, so focus on your work and health, as these require your attention, too.
Have you been feeling imbalanced, Pisces? If you have been overworking yourself, this week, you could feel the effects of burnout; and if you have been neglecting your responsibilities, you could feel the psychological effects of it (feeling guilty, blaming yourself, feeling overwhelmed). Finding your balance is of the utmost importance this week, and you’re invited to practice some self-compassion and loving as you navigate this time of readjusting your lifestyle and energy.
For more astrology from me, check out my website.
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